
Project Details



Principal Investigator: Dr.Pradyot Jena, Dr.Ritanjali Majhi
Funded by Asian Development Bank Institute
Amount: USD 80,000
Duration  2021-2023
Project title: EXPLORE – Experiential Learning Online Reengineering
Investigator - Dr.Sheena
Sanctioned by PALS (Alumni Association of IIT Madras) on Experiential Learning through Virtual Labs
Financial assistance of Rs.24,00,000/-
Period of four years (2020-2024)
Title: Efficient Solutions for Management of Household Waste A multi-Stakeholder Approach
Principal Investigator: Dr.Ritanjali Majhi
Funding Agency: ICSSR, IMPRESS
Year:2019- Continuing 
Title: Adaptation of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices: Challenges and Opportunity for Indian Smallholder Farmers
Amount: 48.18 lakh 
Principal Investigator - Dr. Pradyot Ranjan Jena, Co-Investigator - Dr.Ritanjali Majhi
Funding Agency - SPARC project- Ministry of HRD, GoI
Year: From May 2019 continuing
Title: Brand India: The Futuristic Medical Tourism Hub – A “Make in India Initiative”
Principal Investigator - Dr.Sheena
Funding Agency - ICSSR-IMPRESS
Year -  2019
Title: ‘Assessing the Impact of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bhima Yojana (PMFBY) on Smallholder Farmers
Principal Investigator - Dr.Rajesh Acharya H
Funding Agency - ICSSR-IMPRESS
Year -  2019
Title: Governing Extreme and Exploitation Social Media Environment for PWD Rehabilitation
Principal Investigator - Dr. Sreejith A
Funding Agency - ICSSR-IMPRESS
Year -  2019
Title - A Study of Adaptation to Technological Innovation in Agriculture to Mitigate Climate Change Effects and its Impact on Rural farmers 
Amount - Rs 8, 60,000
Principal Investigator - Dr. Pradyot Ranjan Jena
Funding Agency - Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
Year - 2018 
Title - Coffee Certification and Food Security with special reference to Gender sensitiveness in Araku valley, Andhra Pradesh
Amount - Rs 5, 80,000
Principal Investigator - Dr. Pradyot Ranjan Jena
Funding Agency - Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Year - 2018 
Name of the Project :Impediments to growth of Hospitality Sector - A Case study of South India
Funding Agency: National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD)
Principal Investigator(s): Suprabha K. R
Year: 2015
Funding Amount: Rs.8,76,400/-
Name of the Project :Reforming Higher Education for Civic Learning and Community Engagement
Funding Agency: NUEPA-ICSSR
Principal Investigator(s): Sreejith Alathur, Gopalakrishna B V, A.H.Sequeira.
Year: 2015
Funding Amount: Rs.5,06,000/-
Name of the Project :Women Entrepreneurship and Tourism Development: AStudy with special reference to SHGs in Karnataka and Kerala
Funding Agency: ICSSR,New Delhi
Principal Investigator(s): Sheena
Year: 2014-2015
Funding Amount: Rs.6,00,000/-
Name of the Project : Mitigation of Tribal Suicides through Economic Empowerment:  Evaluating the functional roles of the governments and NGOs in eradicating the social, educational and economic backwardness among the Paniyans of Kerala
Funding Agency: UGC, New Delhi
Principal Investigator(s): Sheena
Year: 2013-2015
Funding Amount: Rs.6,02,500/-
Name of the Project : RS and GIS Tools to Support Conservation and Sustainable Management of Sacred Groves in Kodagu District
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: 
Principal Investigator(s): K. B. Kiran
Funding Amount: Rs. 11,04,000
Name of the Project : Technological Change and Development of Coffee Plantation – A Case Study
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: UGC
Principal Investigator(s): K. B. Kiran
Year: 2006-2008
Funding Amount: Rs. 90,000
Name of the Project : A Relook into Efficiency : The Problem of communication among Science and Technology students
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: 
Principal Investigator(s): Shashikantha K.
Year: 2003-06
Funding Amount: Rs: 6,00,000/-
Name of the Project: Development of Web-Based Learning Materials - Thrust Area Project
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: MHRD New Delhi
Principal Investigator(s): A. H. Sequeira
Year: 2003
Funding Amount: Rs. 7,00,000
Name of the Project : Educational Technology Computer Learning Networking,Thrust Areas in Technical Education
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: MHRD New Delhi
Principal Investigator(s): A. H. Sequeira
Year: 1998
Funding Amount: Rs. 8,00,000
Name of the Project : Setting up of Educational Technology Laboratory
Status: completed 
Funding Agency: UK,India RECs Project
Principal Investigator(s): A. H. Sequeira
Year: 1996
Funding Amount:Rs. 15 .00 Lakhs

Mangalore Robautonics Pvt. Ltd. - Developing a Business Plan


Contact us

Prof. Ritanjali Majhi
Head, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Post: Srinivasanagar, Surathkal, Mangalore - 575025
Karnataka, India.
Phone: 0824-2473200 (Office)
Hot line: 0824-2474031

Email: hodsom@nitk.edu.in 

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