Research Methodology in Literature
Course Name:
SM 917 Research Methodology in Literature
Credits (L-T-P):
(3-1-0) 4
Types of Literary Research: Theoretical Research, Textual Research, Historical Research, Interpretative Research, Interdisciplinary Research. Methods of Literary Research: Presentation, References, Footnotes, Indexing, Bibliography.
R. Altick, The Art of Literary Research, Norton & Co., N.Y.
C. Saunders, An Introduction to Research in English Literary History, Macmillan, N.Y.
G. Watson, (Ed.), The Concise Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, CUP, Cambridge
F.W. Bateson, The Scholar-Critic: An Introduction to Literary Research, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London
J. Anderson, B.H. Durston, and M. Poole, Thesis and Assignment Writing, Wiley Eastern Limited, New
Delhi J. Gibaldi, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, MLA, N.Y.
E. Burns & T. Burns (Eds.), Sociology of Literature and Drama, Penguin,
Harmondsworth R. Schechner, Essays on Performance Theory: 1970-1976. Drama Book Specialists, N.Y.
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